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data type
資料庫欄位設計時,針對不同資料類型,建議的資料型態 (data type) 與長度

== types of data ==
== Examples of data and suggested datatype ==
* IP(v4):
=== birth year ===
** varchar(15)  
* data type: int
** ex: <ref>[ Datatype for storing ip address in SQL Server - Stack Overflow]</ref>
* example: Range from 1905 ~ 2013 (108 yeas old) from the Sign-up form from {{access| date=2013-02-04}}
** range/limit:
* range/limit: 122 yeas old<ref>[ 最年長者 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書]: 「根據金氏世界紀錄大全紀錄的最長壽者是活了122年的雅娜·卡爾曼特」、[ 各國人口預期壽命列表</ref>
=== file name ===
file name for {{Win}} FTFS ; {{Linux}} ex3 and ex4 file system types<ref>Type {{kbd | key = <nowiki>df -aT</nowiki>}} to list the file system types in Linux</ref>.
* varchar(255) <ref>[ Comparison of file systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]</ref><ref>[ Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces (Windows)]</ref>  {{exclaim}} If the files hosted by Windows server, you should also take the '''limit of PATH length''' into account besides the limit of filename length.
=== IP ===
* data type: CHAT(15) or VARCHAR(15)  
* ex: <ref>[ Datatype for storing ip address in SQL Server - Stack Overflow]</ref>
* IP range - Classless inter-domain routing (CIDR)<ref> [ Help:Range blocks - MediaWiki] </ref>
* IP range - Classless inter-domain routing (CIDR)<ref> [ Help:Range blocks - MediaWiki] </ref>
** 12 or 24 bytes (IPv4 and IPv6 networks)<ref> [ PostgreSQL: Documentation: Manuals: Network Address Types] </ref>
** 12 or 24 bytes (IPv4 and IPv6 networks)<ref> [ PostgreSQL: Documentation: Manuals: Network Address Types] </ref>
** ex:
** ex:

* Chinese name:  
IPv6: [ 128位元長度,以16位元為一組,每組以冒號":"隔開,可以分為8組,每組以4位元十六進制方式表示]
** 最長姓名有13個字 <ref> [ 台灣“獨一姓氏”者達149人 最長姓名有13個字_台灣頻道_新浪網-北美]</ref>
** data type:
* unix timestamp
** ex: 2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344
** bigint(10) ;  
** ex: 1328664539
=== 網址 ===
** range/limit:
* data type:
** MySQL 5.0.3+ use {{kbd | key=VARCHAR(2083)}}<ref>[ sql - Best database field type for a URL - Stack Overflow]</ref> 或 {{kbd | key=TEXT}}
** MS SQL: {{kbd | key=nvarchar(2083)}}
* [ 最大 URL 長度是在 Internet Explorer 中的 2,083 字元] for {{IE}}<ref>[ http - What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers? - Stack Overflow]</ref><ref>[ Maximum URL lengths « The Wiert Corner – irregular stream of stuff]</ref>
=== 姓名欄位 ===
* 資料類型:{{Gd}} {{kbd | key=<nowiki>CHAR(50)</nowiki>}}、{{kbd | key=<nowiki>VARCHAR(50)</nowiki>}}
* 參考資料:「惟戶政系統中,欄位最多填寫50字,成為名字長度的天花板。」<ref>[ 改名字數無上限 戶政司:會念很久]</ref><ref> 中國新聞網 (2010). [ 台灣“獨一姓氏”者達149人 最長姓名有13個字_台灣頻道_新浪網-北美]</ref><ref>[ 姓名8個字 外交部不給護照 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報]</ref>
* 其他人作法: LINE 姓名欄位長度限制: 15字(15個中文字或15英文字母)
=== unix timestamp ===
* bigint(10) ;  
* ex: 1328664539
* range/limit:
=== duration 時長 ===
* data type: {{kbd | key= TIME}} 「{{kbd | key= TIME}} values may range from '-838:59:59' to '838:59:59'」<ref>[ MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 11.3.2 The TIME Type]</ref>
* format: 小時:分鐘:秒 hh:mm:ss
* 參考別人: Google form 問卷題目選項的小時 0~72 ; 分鐘: 00~59: 秒: 00~59
=== 學校代碼 ===
School ID defined by MOE at Taiwan / 學校代碼<ref>[ 各級學校名錄--教育部統計處 Department of Statistics]{{access | date=2019-10-13}}</ref>
* integer: 4(university) ~ 6
* ex: 0001(國立政治大學)、373607(臺北市立華江國小)。前面可能有零。
* range/limit:
=== 地址 ===
* 資料類型: {{kbd | key=TEXT}} or {{kbd | key=VARCHAR(255)}}<ref>[ address]</ref>
* 參考別人: 觀察 Google payment 付款地址的文字輸入框並沒有限制文字長度
=== 經緯度 (經度,緯度) ===
* DECIMAL(18,12)<ref>[ mysql - What is the ideal data type for latitude / longitude? - Stack Overflow]</ref> or FLOAT( 10, 6 )<ref>[ Creating a Store Locator with PHP, MySQL & Google Maps - Google Maps API Family - Google Code]</ref> or VARCHAR( 30 )
* ex: 37.401724,-122.114646
* range/limit: 「緯度座標的整數須介於 -90 和 90 之間。經度座標的整數須介於 -180 和 180 之間。<ref>[ 找出或輸入經緯度 - 電腦 - Google 地圖說明]</ref>」
=== 價錢/金額 ===
* DECIMAL(10,2)<ref> [ sql - Best Data Type for Currency - Stack Overflow]{{access | date=2012-03-07}} </ref><ref>[ mysql 用什么数据类型表示价格?_百度知道]{{access | date=2015-05-25}}  </ref>
* ex:
* range/limit: 0.00 ~ 99999999.99
=== 台灣縣市欄位值 ===
台灣縣市欄位值 下拉式選單<ref>取自[ 中華郵政全球資訊網]</ref>
$city = array("基隆市", "台北市", "新北市", "桃園縣", "新竹市", "新竹縣", "苗栗縣", "台中市",
        "彰化縣", "南投縣", "雲林縣", "嘉義市", "嘉義縣", "台南市", "高雄市", "屏東縣", "台東縣", "花蓮縣",
        "宜蘭縣", "澎湖縣", "金門縣", "連江縣");
=== 密碼 ===
* varchar at least eight (8) characters<ref>[ Password length & complexity - OWASP] "Minimum length. Passwords should be at least eight (8) characters long." </ref>
=== 雜湊碼 (hash value) e.g. MD5, SHA ===
[ MD5]:
* {{Gd}} CHAR(32) or
* VARCHAR(32)<ref>[ php - Can I use VARCHAR(32) for md5() values? - Stack Overflow]</ref>
[ SHA]<ref>[ mysql - How long is the SHA256 hash? - Stack Overflow]</ref><ref>[ 魚乾的筆記本: MD5被破解了,要改用SHA]</ref>:
* (1) HEX: CHAR(64) Using [ PHP: hash_file()] or [ PHP: hash()], MySQL [ SHA2(str, hash_length)]
* (2) Binary: BINARY(32) In PHP using [ hex2bin()] e.g. {{kbd | key=<nowiki>echo hex2bin(hash_file('sha256', $file_path));</nowiki>}}, In MySQL using [ UNHEX() function] e.g. {{kbd | key=<nowiki>SELECT UNHEX(SHA2('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 256))</nowiki>}}
* (3) CHAR(60) if using the MySQL [ SHA1() function]
==== Retrieve the hash value from string or file content ====
/* Create a file to calculate hash of */
file_put_contents('example.txt', 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.');
echo hash_file('sha256', 'example.txt');
// expected result: 68b1282b91de2c054c36629cb8dd447f12f096d3e3c587978dc2248444633483
// 64 characters
// calculate the hash of string
echo hash('sha256', 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.');
SELECT SHA2('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 256)
==== Retrieve the hash value from binary value ====
* PHP: [ bin2hex()] e.g. {{kbd | key=<nowiki>echo bin2hex(hex2bin(hash('sha256', 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.')));</nowiki>}}
* MySQL: [ Hexadecimal Literals] e.g. {{kbd | key=<nowiki>SELECT HEX(UNHEX(SHA2('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 256)));</nowiki>}}<ref>[ insert - Storing a binary SHA1 hash into a mySQL BINARY(20) column - Stack Overflow]</ref>
=== GUID 全域唯一識別碼字串 ===
[ 全域唯一識別碼 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書]
* BINARY(16)<ref>[ How should I store GUID in MySQL tables? - Stack Overflow]</ref>
* VARCHAR(36) or CHAR(36)
==== Store the GUID value ====
-- 4470beb9-ab1e-11ec-bd92-00155de8c33a
INSERT INTO `sometable`
(`guid_char`, `guid_binary`)
UNHEX(REPLACE("4470beb9-ab1e-11ec-bd92-00155de8c33a", "-",""))
{{exclaim}} Need to replace the - symbol with whitespace from GUID value. Or it will not able to retrieve the GUID value
==== Retrieve the GUID value ====
SELECT `guid_char`, HEX(`guid_binary`)
FROM `sometable`;
=== membership ===
* [ Membership Providers]
=== 台灣公司統一編號 ===
* 數值長度:八位數字
* 建議資料類型:因為可能以 0 開頭,所以建議使用 {{kbd | key= CHAR(8)}},而不建議使用 {{kbd | key= INT(8)}} <ref>[ 公示資料查詢服務-財政部稅務入口網]</ref><ref>[ » 營利事業統一編號驗證完全手冊(Javascript,Java,C#,PHP) - Hero Think~用手摀住我的嘴]</ref> {{exclaim}} 早期公司統一編號不是八位數字
=== 台灣身分證號/統一證號 ===
* 最長 10 位文字,所以建議使用 {{kbd | key= CHAR(10)}}:(1)身分證號:1碼英文字母加上9碼數字組成、(2) 統一證號:2碼英文字母加上8碼數字,一共10個字元組成  <ref>[ 新式外來人口統一證號(宣導手冊)]</ref>。
=== 商品序號或商品條碼 ===
MySQL: {{kbd | key = VARCHAR(14)}}
* GTIN 全球交易品項號碼([ Global Trade Item Number])  最長 14 位數
* EAN 國際商品條碼([ International Article Number]),即前[ 歐洲商品條碼] (European Article Number) and [ Japanese Article Number (JAN)] 最長 13 位數
* UPC [ 通用產品代碼] ([ Universal Product Code]) 最長 12 位數,只允許數字 (UPC-A)
* ASIN [ 亞馬遜標準識別號碼] (Amazon Standard Identification Number) 由十個字元(字母或數字)組成
* ISBN [ 國際標準書號]([ International Standard Book Number])  最長 13 位數

School ID defined by MOE at Taiwan / 學校代碼<ref>[ 各級學校名錄--教育部統計處 Department of Statistics]{{access | date=2012-02-16}}</ref>
=== 國際電話號碼 ===
** integer: 4(university) ~ 6
[ 使用 Google libphonenumber 套件驗證國際電話號碼格式 – Frochu – Medium]
** ex: 373607
** range/limit:

* 經緯度 (經度,緯度):  
=== 很長的文字 ===
** DECIMAL(18,12)<ref>[ mysql - What is the ideal data type for latitude / longitude? - Stack Overflow]</ref> or FLOAT( 10, 6 )<ref>[ Creating a Store Locator with PHP, MySQL & Google Maps - Google Maps API Family - Google Code]</ref>
* MySQL: {{kbd | key= LONGTEXT}}: 4GB / {{kbd | key = TEXT}}: 65,535 bytes ~64kb <ref>[ MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: 11.1.3 String Type Overview]</ref><ref>[ MySQL TEXT 格式 的 長度限制 - Tsung's Blog]</ref>
** ex: 37.401724,-122.114646
* MsSQL: {{kbd | key = NVARCHAR(max)}}: 2GB <ref>[ nchar and nvarchar (Transact-SQL)]</ref>
** range/limit:

<pre> (left blank intentionally)
<pre> (left blank intentionally)
* data
** data type
** data type
** ex:
** ex:
Line 34: Line 176:

== references ==
== comparision of datatypes in different database server ==
<references />  
=== numeric ===
{{kbd | key=bigint}}
* MS SQL<ref>[ int、bigint、smallint 和 tinyint (Transact-SQL)]</ref> & MySQL<ref>[ MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 11.2.1 Integer Types (Exact Value) - INTEGER, INT, SMALLINT, TINYINT, MEDIUMINT, BIGINT]</ref> are equivalent
=== text ===
Storing Unicode text<ref>
* [ 松露筆管麵: Mysql 等同SqlServer的nvarchar]
* [ sql server - What is the difference between varchar and nvarchar? - Stack Overflow]</ref>
* MySQL: {{kbd | key=varchar}} / MS SQL 2008: {{kbd | key=nvarchar}}
* MySQL: {{kbd | key= LONGTEXT}} (4GB)<ref>[ Whats SQL Server NVARCHAR(max) equivalent in MySQL? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange]</ref> / MS SQL 2008: {{kbd | key=nvarchar(max)}} (2GB)<ref>[ nchar 和 nvarchar (Transact-SQL)]</ref>
=== date and time ===
{{kbd | key=DATETIME}}: ex: "2013-06-13 03:33:33"
* MS SQL 2008 & MySQL are equivalent

== further reading ==
{{kbd | key=TIMESTAMP}}: MS SQL 2008 and MySQL are '''NOT''' equivalent<ref>[ SQL Server 2008 timestamp data type - Stack Overflow]</ref> {{exclaim}}
* MS SQL 2008<ref>[ timestamp (Transact-SQL)]</ref> ex: 0x00000000000007D3
* MySQL ex: 2013-06-13 03:33:33
further reading
* [ MySQL to SQL Server Data Type Comparisons]
* [ Microsoft SQL Server - Data Types (Migration by Ispirer SQLWays)] {{access | date = 2015-12-22}}
* [ SQL Data Types for MS Access, MySQL, and SQL Server] {{access | date = 2015-12-22}}
== tools ==
ER圖(entity-relationship diagram)
* [ MySQL :: MySQL Workbench 6.0]: Notice the installation prerequisites{{exclaim}}
* [[Create database schema document]]
參考其他資料表的結構設計<ref>[ MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 3.4 Getting Information About Databases and Tables]</ref>
* {{kbd | key = <nowiki>DESCRIBE table_name;</nowiki>}}
== Further reading ==

* [ MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 10 Data Types]
* [ MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 10 Data Types]
* SQL Server 2005 [ Data Types (Database Engine)] / [ 資料類型 (Database Engine)]
* [ Oracle Data Types]
* [ Industry Data Models]
* [ Newest 'database-design' Questions - Database Administrators Stack Exchange]
== References ==
<references />
{{Template:Build a website}}

[[Category:Web_Dev]] [[Category:Database]] [[Category:MySQL]] [[Category:Data Science]]

Latest revision as of 11:06, 14 December 2023

資料庫欄位設計時,針對不同資料類型,建議的資料型態 (data type) 與長度

Examples of data and suggested datatype[edit]

birth year[edit]

  • data type: int
  • example: Range from 1905 ~ 2013 (108 yeas old) from the Sign-up form from [Last visited: 2013-02-04]
  • range/limit: 122 yeas old[1]

file name[edit]

file name for Win Os windows.png FTFS ; Linux Os linux.png ex3 and ex4 file system types[2].

  • varchar(255) [3][4] Icon_exclaim.gif If the files hosted by Windows server, you should also take the limit of PATH length into account besides the limit of filename length.



  • data type: CHAT(15) or VARCHAR(15)
  • ex: [5]


  • IP range - Classless inter-domain routing (CIDR)[6]
    • 12 or 24 bytes (IPv4 and IPv6 networks)[7]
    • ex:

IPv6: 128位元長度,以16位元為一組,每組以冒號":"隔開,可以分為8組,每組以4位元十六進制方式表示

    • data type:
    • ex: 2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344


  • data type:
    • MySQL 5.0.3+ use VARCHAR(2083)[8]TEXT
    • MS SQL: nvarchar(2083)



  • 資料類型:Good.gif CHAR(50)VARCHAR(50)
  • 參考資料:「惟戶政系統中,欄位最多填寫50字,成為名字長度的天花板。」[11][12][13]
  • 其他人作法: LINE 姓名欄位長度限制: 15字(15個中文字或15英文字母)

unix timestamp[edit]

  • bigint(10) ;
  • ex: 1328664539
  • range/limit:

duration 時長[edit]

  • data type: TIMETIME values may range from '-838:59:59' to '838:59:59'」[14]
  • format: 小時:分鐘:秒 hh:mm:ss
  • 參考別人: Google form 問卷題目選項的小時 0~72 ; 分鐘: 00~59: 秒: 00~59


School ID defined by MOE at Taiwan / 學校代碼[15]

  • integer: 4(university) ~ 6
  • ex: 0001(國立政治大學)、373607(臺北市立華江國小)。前面可能有零。
  • range/limit:


  • 資料類型: TEXT or VARCHAR(255)[16]
  • 參考別人: 觀察 Google payment 付款地址的文字輸入框並沒有限制文字長度

經緯度 (經度,緯度)[edit]

  • DECIMAL(18,12)[17] or FLOAT( 10, 6 )[18] or VARCHAR( 30 )
  • ex: 37.401724,-122.114646
  • range/limit: 「緯度座標的整數須介於 -90 和 90 之間。經度座標的整數須介於 -180 和 180 之間。[19]


  • DECIMAL(10,2)[20][21]
  • ex:
  • range/limit: 0.00 ~ 99999999.99


台灣縣市欄位值 下拉式選單[22]

$city = array("基隆市", "台北市", "新北市", "桃園縣", "新竹市", "新竹縣", "苗栗縣", "台中市", 
        "彰化縣", "南投縣", "雲林縣", "嘉義市", "嘉義縣", "台南市", "高雄市", "屏東縣", "台東縣", "花蓮縣", 
        "宜蘭縣", "澎湖縣", "金門縣", "連江縣");


  • varchar at least eight (8) characters[23]

雜湊碼 (hash value) e.g. MD5, SHA[edit]


  • Good.gif CHAR(32) or
  • VARCHAR(32)[24]


Retrieve the hash value from string or file content[edit]


/* Create a file to calculate hash of */
file_put_contents('example.txt', 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.');

echo hash_file('sha256', 'example.txt');
// expected result: 68b1282b91de2c054c36629cb8dd447f12f096d3e3c587978dc2248444633483
// 64 characters

// calculate the hash of string
echo hash('sha256', 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.');


SELECT SHA2('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 256)

Retrieve the hash value from binary value[edit]

  • PHP: bin2hex() e.g. echo bin2hex(hex2bin(hash('sha256', 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.')));
  • MySQL: Hexadecimal Literals e.g. SELECT HEX(UNHEX(SHA2('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 256)));[27]

GUID 全域唯一識別碼字串[edit]

全域唯一識別碼 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

  • BINARY(16)[28]
  • VARCHAR(36) or CHAR(36)

Store the GUID value[edit]

-- 4470beb9-ab1e-11ec-bd92-00155de8c33a

INSERT INTO `sometable`
(`guid_char`, `guid_binary`)
UNHEX(REPLACE("4470beb9-ab1e-11ec-bd92-00155de8c33a", "-",""))

Icon_exclaim.gif Need to replace the - symbol with whitespace from GUID value. Or it will not able to retrieve the GUID value

Retrieve the GUID value[edit]

SELECT `guid_char`, HEX(`guid_binary`) 
FROM `sometable`;



  • 數值長度:八位數字
  • 建議資料類型:因為可能以 0 開頭,所以建議使用 CHAR(8),而不建議使用 INT(8) [29][30] Icon_exclaim.gif 早期公司統一編號不是八位數字


  • 最長 10 位文字,所以建議使用 CHAR(10):(1)身分證號:1碼英文字母加上9碼數字組成、(2) 統一證號:2碼英文字母加上8碼數字,一共10個字元組成 [31]





使用 Google libphonenumber 套件驗證國際電話號碼格式 – Frochu – Medium


  • MySQL: LONGTEXT: 4GB / TEXT: 65,535 bytes ~64kb [32][33]
  • MsSQL: NVARCHAR(max): 2GB [34]
 (left blank intentionally)
* data
** data type
** ex:
** range/limit:

comparision of datatypes in different database server[edit]




Storing Unicode text[37]

  • MySQL: varchar / MS SQL 2008: nvarchar
  • MySQL: LONGTEXT (4GB)[38] / MS SQL 2008: nvarchar(max) (2GB)[39]

date and time[edit]

DATETIME: ex: "2013-06-13 03:33:33"

  • MS SQL 2008 & MySQL are equivalent

TIMESTAMP: MS SQL 2008 and MySQL are NOT equivalent[40] Icon_exclaim.gif

  • MS SQL 2008[41] ex: 0x00000000000007D3
  • MySQL ex: 2013-06-13 03:33:33

further reading


ER圖(entity-relationship diagram)



  • DESCRIBE table_name;

Further reading[edit]


  1. 最年長者 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書: 「根據金氏世界紀錄大全紀錄的最長壽者是活了122年的雅娜·卡爾曼特」、[ 各國人口預期壽命列表
  2. Type df -aT to list the file system types in Linux
  3. Comparison of file systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  4. Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces (Windows)
  5. Datatype for storing ip address in SQL Server - Stack Overflow
  6. Help:Range blocks - MediaWiki
  7. PostgreSQL: Documentation: Manuals: Network Address Types
  8. sql - Best database field type for a URL - Stack Overflow
  9. http - What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers? - Stack Overflow
  10. Maximum URL lengths « The Wiert Corner – irregular stream of stuff
  11. 改名字數無上限 戶政司:會念很久
  12. 中國新聞網 (2010). 台灣“獨一姓氏”者達149人 最長姓名有13個字_台灣頻道_新浪網-北美
  13. 姓名8個字 外交部不給護照 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報
  14. MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 11.3.2 The TIME Type
  15. 各級學校名錄--教育部統計處 Department of Statistics[Last visited: 2019-10-13]
  16. address
  17. mysql - What is the ideal data type for latitude / longitude? - Stack Overflow
  18. Creating a Store Locator with PHP, MySQL & Google Maps - Google Maps API Family - Google Code
  19. 找出或輸入經緯度 - 電腦 - Google 地圖說明
  20. sql - Best Data Type for Currency - Stack Overflow[Last visited: 2012-03-07]
  21. mysql 用什么数据类型表示价格?_百度知道[Last visited: 2015-05-25]
  22. 取自中華郵政全球資訊網
  23. Password length & complexity - OWASP "Minimum length. Passwords should be at least eight (8) characters long."
  24. php - Can I use VARCHAR(32) for md5() values? - Stack Overflow
  25. mysql - How long is the SHA256 hash? - Stack Overflow
  26. 魚乾的筆記本: MD5被破解了,要改用SHA
  27. insert - Storing a binary SHA1 hash into a mySQL BINARY(20) column - Stack Overflow
  28. How should I store GUID in MySQL tables? - Stack Overflow
  29. 公示資料查詢服務-財政部稅務入口網
  30. » 營利事業統一編號驗證完全手冊(Javascript,Java,C#,PHP) - Hero Think~用手摀住我的嘴
  31. 新式外來人口統一證號(宣導手冊)
  32. MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: 11.1.3 String Type Overview
  33. MySQL TEXT 格式 的 長度限制 - Tsung's Blog
  34. nchar and nvarchar (Transact-SQL)
  35. int、bigint、smallint 和 tinyint (Transact-SQL)
  36. MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 11.2.1 Integer Types (Exact Value) - INTEGER, INT, SMALLINT, TINYINT, MEDIUMINT, BIGINT
  37. Whats SQL Server NVARCHAR(max) equivalent in MySQL? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
  38. nchar 和 nvarchar (Transact-SQL)
  39. SQL Server 2008 timestamp data type - Stack Overflow
  40. timestamp (Transact-SQL)
  41. MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 3.4 Getting Information About Databases and Tables

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