Random content generator: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Lorem Ipsum (Random content generator) 假文,「讓設計師拿來做為填充版面的內容物」引用自[http://more.handlino.com/ MoreText.js]。假文產生器: * {{G...")
(29 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Lorem Ipsum (Random content generator) 假文,「讓設計師拿來做為填充版面的內容物」引用自[http://more.handlino.com/ MoreText.js]。假文產生器:
Lorem Ipsum 假文用途:(1)「讓設計師拿來做為填充版面的內容物」引用自[http://more.handlino.com/ MoreText.js]、(2) 提供開發者界接 API 資料,以利測試。
* {{Gd}}[http://more.handlino.com/ MoreText.js],
* {{Gd}} [https://www.lists.design/ Real content for all your designs - Lists] 產生接近真實的假資料 {{access | date = 2018-04-12}}
== Random text generator ==
* [http://www.richyli.com/tool/loremipsum/ 亂數假文產生器],
* {{Gd}}[http://more.handlino.com/ MoreText.js]: 中文假文產生器,有提供 API {{access | date = 2022-05-09}}
* [https://www.lists.design/ Real content for all your designs - Lists] 產生接近真實的假資料 {{access | date = 2018-04-12}}
* [http://www.richyli.com/tool/loremipsum/ 亂數假文產生器]: 中文假文產生器
* [http://www.lipsum.com/ Lipsum generator] 多國語言可以選擇,包含簡體中文 {{access | date = 2018-04-12}}
* [http://www.lipsum.com/ Lipsum generator] 多國語言可以選擇,包含簡體中文 {{access | date = 2018-04-12}}
* [https://uinames.com/ uinames.com: Randomly Generate Fake Names] 隨機產生使用者個資的工具,包含姓名、性別、區域、電話、生日、email、信用卡、相片網址等資料。可使用 API 呼叫資料。教學: [https://free.com.tw/ui-names/ UI Names 隨機產生虛構的使用者個資,設計操作介面或開發者利器]
* [https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=KevinYang.ctlorem Chinese Lorem - Visual Studio Marketplace] 「產生並插入繁體中文假文至 Visual Studio Code 內」{{access | date = 2019-06-16}}
* [https://random-data-api.com/ Random Data API] {{access | date = 2020-08-08}}
* [https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/965545553558758970 Lorem ipsum zh-tw — Figma] 隨機繁體中文假文產生器 ''未測試'' {{access | date = 2022-05-09}}
* [https://sooxin.github.io/Chinese-Lorem-Ipsum/ 中文乱文假数生成器] 隨機繁體中文、簡體中文假文產生器 ''未測試'' {{access | date = 2022-05-09}}
* [https://howtobullshit.me/ 唬爛產生器] 繁體中文假文產生器 {{access | date = 2022-05-09}}
== Random images generator ==
* {{Gd}} [https://fakeimg.pl/ Fake images please?] 可指定圖片尺寸大小、或者輸出指定文字的圖
* [https://loremflickr.com/ LoremFlickr: free placeholder images] 可指定圖片尺寸大小
* [https://picsum.photos/ Lorem Picsum] 可指定圖片尺寸大小
* [https://thecatapi.com/ TheCatAPI - Cats as a Service, Everyday is Caturday.]
* [http://placekitten.com/ {placekitten} - Placeholder kitten images for developers] 可指定圖片尺寸大小
* [https://placeholder.com/ Placeholder.com: Placeholder Images Done For You [JPG, GIF & PNG]] 可指定圖片尺寸大小
* [https://source.unsplash.com/ Unsplash Source | A Simple API for Embedding Free Photos from Unsplash] 可指定圖片尺寸大小
=== Random user photos generator ===
* [https://randomuser.me/photos Random User Generator | Photos] 男、女、樂高風格相片 {{access | date = 2022-06-12}}
* [https://xsgames.co/randomusers/ Random Users - Generate random user profile pictures and names] 男、女、Pixel 風格相片 {{access | date = 2022-06-12}}
== Image placeholder ==
* [https://placeholder.com/ Warehouse Space for Rent on Flexible Terms - Placeholder] e.g. https://via.placeholder.com/150 提供 150x150 圖片
== Random number generator ==
* Excel [https://support.microsoft.com/zh-tw/office/randbetween-%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B8-4cc7f0d1-87dc-4eb7-987f-a469ab381685 RANDBETWEEN 函數]
* Excel [https://support.microsoft.com/zh-tw/office/rand-%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B8-4cbfa695-8869-4788-8d90-021ea9f5be73 RAND 函數]
== Other resources ==
* [https://fakerjs.dev/update.html An update from the Faker team | Faker] "Faker is a library that generates fake (but reasonable) data for you. Mock data. Data for testing, development, and the like." {{access | date = 2022-01-17}}
* [https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker fzaninotto/Faker: Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you] {{access | date = 2021-11-20}} (archived by the owner)

== Further reading ==
* [https://loremflickr.com/ LoremFlickr: free placeholder images]
* [https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E4%BC%AA%E9%9A%8F%E6%9C%BA%E6%95%B0%E7%94%9F%E6%88%90%E5%99%A8 偽隨機數生成器 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書] ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudorandom_generator Pseudorandom generator])
* [https://picsum.photos/ Lorem Picsum]
* [https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-science/cryptography/crypt/v/random-vs-pseudorandom-number-generators Pseudorandom number generators (video) | Khan Academy]
* [https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E6%A2%85%E6%A3%AE%E6%97%8B%E8%BD%AC%E7%AE%97%E6%B3%95 梅森旋轉算法 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書] ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_Twister Mersenne Twister])

[[Category:Design]] [[Category:Tool]]

Latest revision as of 22:20, 5 April 2023

Lorem Ipsum 假文用途:(1)「讓設計師拿來做為填充版面的內容物」引用自MoreText.js、(2) 提供開發者界接 API 資料,以利測試。

Random text generator[edit]


Random images generator[edit]


Random user photos generator[edit]

Image placeholder[edit]

Random number generator[edit]

Other resources[edit]

Further reading[edit]