Find and remove duplicates

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Find and remove duplicates in Excel[edit]

Find duplicates in Excel[edit]

Finding Duplicate Rows That Differ in One Column[edit]

Example function

=IF(AND(LEN(A2)>0, COUNTIF(A:A, A2)>=2), 1, 0)

This function works by checking each cell in a specified column (in this case, column A). Here's a breakdown of how it operates:

  • LEN(A2)>0: This part of the formula checks if the cell is not empty. It prevents empty cells from being flagged as duplicates.
  • COUNTIF(A:A, A2)>=2: This checks how many times the value in cell A2 appears in column A. If it appears two or more times, it meets the criteria for being considered a duplicate.
  • IF(AND(...), 1, 0): The IF function combined with AND evaluates the conditions mentioned above. If both conditions are true (meaning the cell is not empty and the value appears two or more times), the function returns 1, indicating a duplicate. If not, it returns 0.


Finding duplicate rows that differ in multiple columns[edit]

Remove duplicates in Excel[edit]

Find and remove duplicates in Cygwin/BASH[edit]

Finding duplicate values in Cygwin/BASH[edit]

  • uniq command on Cygwin of Win Os windows.png or Linux Os linux.png : uniq -d <file.txt> > <duplicated_items.txt>[1]

Remove duplicate values in Cygwin/BASH[edit]

GNU Coreutils: sort invocation OS: Linux Os linux.png , cygwin of Win Os windows.png .

Data preparation:

case 1: To remove duplicate lines of entire paragraph

  • sort -us -o <output_unique.file> <input.file> in a large text file (GB)[2]
  • cat <input.file> | grep <pattern> | sort | uniq Processes text line by line and prints the unique lines which match a specified pattern. Equal to these steps: (1) cat <input.file> | grep <pattern> > <tmp.file> (2) sort <tmp.file> | uniq

Case 2: Ignore first n line(s) & remove duplicate lines[3][4][5]

  • (1) ignore first one line: (head -n 1 <file> && tail -n +2 <file> | sort -us) > newfile
  • (2) ignore first two lines: (head -n 2 <file> && tail -n +3 <file> | sort -us) > newfile

Find and remove duplicates in MySQL[edit]

Find duplicates in MySQL[edit]

Finding duplicate value that differ in one column[edit]

Finding duplicate value that differ in one column[6]

-- Generate test data.
CREATE TABLE `table_name` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `content` varchar(5) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO `table_name` (`id`, `content`) VALUES
(1, 'apple'),
(2, 'lemon'),
(3, 'apple');

ALTER TABLE `table_name`

-- Find duplicated data
SELECT `content`, COUNT(*) count 
FROM `table_name` 
GROUP BY `content` 
HAVING count > 1;

  SELECT `content`, count(*) count FROM `table_name` GROUP BY `content` 
) tmp 
WHERE tmp.count >1;

Another approach: Add content_hash column which its value is MD5(content_column)[7]

-- To find the duplicated records with same content
SELECT count(*) as count, content_hash
GROUP BY content_hash
HAVING count >= 2

Finding duplicate rows that differ in multiple columns[edit]

Finding duplicate rows that differ in multiple columns: Using CONCAT for multiple columns ex: column_1, column_2

SELECT count(*) count, CONCAT(  `column_1`, `column_2`  ) 'key'
	FROM `table_name`
	GROUP BY CONCAT(  `column_1`, `column_2`  )
HAVING count > 1;


	SELECT count(*) count, CONCAT(  `column_1`, `column_2`  ) 'key'
	FROM `table_name`
	GROUP BY CONCAT(  `column_1`, `column_2`  )
) tmp
WHERE tmp.count >=2

Select deduplicated/duplicated records[edit]

For counting purpose: find the count of repeated id (type: int) between table_a and table_b

SELECT count(DISTINCT(id)) FROM table_a WHERE id IN

Counting number of duplicate occurrence MySQL: find the number of duplicate occurrence between list_a & list_b which using the same primary key: column name id

  • SELECT count(DISTINCT(`id`)) FROM `list_a` WHERE `id` IN (SELECT DISTINCT(`id`) FROM `list_b`) ;

Remove duplicates in MySQL[edit]

Find and remove duplicates in Google Spreadsheet[edit]

Initial contents of cell A2 which its separator is comma or whitespace. The second parameter of SPLIT function is ", " (a comma followed by a space):

apple, banana, apple

To remove duplicates from Cell A2, use the following formula: ((learn more about the UNIQUE function from Google Help[9] or Microsoft support[10])

If cell A2's content is separated by a comma or whitespace:

If cell A2's content is separated solely by a comma:

Alternatively, activate the `by_column=true` parameter in the second argument of the UNIQUE function:

= JOIN(", ",UNIQUE(SPLIT(A2,", "), 1)))

Cell A2's contents after removing duplicates:

apple, banana

Find and remove duplicates in PHP[edit]

Find duplicates in PHP[edit]

Remove duplicates in PHP[edit]

Find and remove duplicates in JavaScript[edit]

Remove duplicates in JavaScript[edit]

Other issues[edit]

  • symbol e.g. data-mining or data_mining

Related articles[edit]
