Text file encoding

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Text file encoding mapping on different softwares 「純文字編碼」在不同軟體的用字

Software ANSI/Big5 UTF-8 UTF-8 with BOM UTF-16 LE UTF-16 LE with BOM UTF-16 BE UTF-16 BE with BOM
Notepad (記事本) on Win Os windows.png ANSI UTF-8 Unicode Unicode big endian
Notepad++ on Win Os windows.png ANSI 碼 UTF-8 碼 UTF-8 碼 (BOM 檔首) UCS2 Little Endian 碼 (UCS2 LE BOM) UCS2 Big Endian 碼 (UCS2 BE BOM)
TextEdit (文字編輯) on Mac icon_os_mac.png 繁體中文 (Big5) Unicode (UTF-8) Unicode (UTF-16)
EmEditor on Win Os windows.png 繁體中文 (Big5) (950, big5) UTF-8 不帶簽名 UTF-8 帶簽名 UTF-16LE 不帶簽名 UTF-16LE 帶簽名 UTF-16 BE 不帶簽名 UTF-16 BE 帶簽名
Sublime text on Win Os windows.png & Mac icon_os_mac.png UTF-8 UTF-8 with BOM UTF-16 LE UTF-16 LE with BOM UTF-16 BE UTF-16 BE with BOM
file (command) on Mac icon_os_mac.png e.g. file <filename> ISO-8859 text UTF-8 Unicode text UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text data Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text data Big-endian UTF-16 Unicode text
file (command) on Mac icon_os_mac.png e.g. file -I <filename> text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 text/plain; charset=utf-8 text/plain; charset=utf-8 application/octet-stream; charset=binary text/plain; charset=utf-16le application/octet-stream; charset=binary text/plain; charset=utf-16be
