Linux commands

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(1) Different Linux commands that achieve the same outcome, (2) Commands that are either equivalent or alike across Windows and Linux systems.

Help for command[edit]

Owl icon.jpg Help for command:

Text file manipulation[edit]

Display the content of text file[edit]

Display the first lines of text file[edit]

  • head [options] filename (OS: Linux Os linux.png )
  • vi [options] filename (and press gg) (Linux Os linux.png )
  • vim [options] filename (and press gg) (Linux Os linux.png ); Open file and press gg for gVim (Win Os windows.png )

Display the first xxx bytes of text file[edit]

  • On Linux Os linux.png , To display the first bytes characters of text file[1]
head -c 100 file_name

Display the last few lines of text file[edit]

Display the entire content of text file[edit]

  • vi [options] filename (Linux Os linux.png )
  • cat <filename> (Linux Os linux.png )
  • type <filename> (Win Os windows.png )

Display the partial content of large text file page by page[edit]

  • cat <filename> | less (Linux Os linux.png or Cygwin on Win Os windows.png ) Icon_exclaim.gif Chinese issue[2]
  • type <filename> | more (Win Os windows.png ) If the file was encoded in UTF-8, you need to key in chcp 65001 first [3].

Display only certain lines by number[edit]

text processing - With the Linux "cat" command, how do I show only certain lines by number - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

Show certain lines by line number[edit]

Show certain lines by line number

Newline count (count the number of lines of a file), word count[edit]

  • wc -l <filename> for Linux Os linux.png [4] ex: wc -l *.txt to print the newline count of txt files of the current folder
  • find . -type f -exec cat {} + | wc -l for Linux Os linux.png & Mac icon_os_mac.png to print the newline count of all files on all subdirectories[5]
  • wc -l "$(cygpath -u '<path to file>')" for cygwin on Win Os windows.png ex: wc -l "$(cygpath -u 'c:\Program Files\file.txt')"[6]

Icon_exclaim.gif linux - wc -l is NOT counting last of the file if it does not have end of line character - Stack Overflow

Save the console message as text file[edit]

Save the Unix manpage as plain text file

Search text in a file[edit]

  • grep command for multiple files: grep -ir "string to search" /path/to/directory or grep keyword /path/to/file (Linux Os linux.png )
  • vim: (1)vim [options] filename (2)press /keyword (Linux Os linux.png )
  • cat & grep: cat /path/to/file | grep keyword (Linux Os linux.png ) keyword is case sensitive

Search text in a compressed text file

  • zcat & grep: cat /path/to/compressed_text.gz | grep keyword (Linux Os linux.png )[7]

Search text in files[8]

Merge multiple plain text files[edit]

Merge multiple text files into one file

File operation[edit]

Find a file by filename[edit]

  • Good.gif locate command (Linux Os linux.png ) ex: locate filename to locate the filename quickly. [9]
  • find command (Linux Os linux.png ) ex: sudo find / -iname filename Find the case-insensitive file name Under the path / (root folder) [10]
  • dir command (Win Os windows.png ) ex: dir /s filename [11][12] Icon_exclaim.gif I have no idea to specify the file path to find the file.

Copy & overwrite file[edit]

Copy and overwrite file without prompt (confirmation)

  • On Linux Os linux.png cp -f to_be_copy.file to_be_overwrote.file [13]
  • On Linux Os linux.png /bin/cp -f to_be_copy.file to_be_overwrote.file
  • On Win Os windows.png copy /Y C:\source\some.file C:\target\[14]

Copy old directory to new directory[edit]

  • cp -a old_dir new_dir/ or cp -a old_dir/ new_dir/ (Linux Os linux.png )[15][16]
    • If the folder new_dir exists already, system will create the folder old_dir and all files and sub folders under old_dir will copy to the path new_dir/old_dir.
    • If the folder new_dir NOT exists, all files and sub folders under old_dir will copy to the folder new_dir.
  • cp -a old_dir/* new_dir/ (Linux Os linux.png ): All files and sub folders under old_dir will copy to the folder new_dir.
  • copy /Y old_dir new_dir/ (Win Os windows.png )[17]
  • make new directory & copy all old files to new directory
    • mkdir new_dir
    • cp old_dir/* new_dir
  • How to move all files in current folder to subfolder? - Ask Ubuntu

Rename (move) files or directory[edit]

  • mv /path/to/old_folder_name /path/to/new_folder_name (Linux Os linux.png )[18]
  • mv /path/to/old.file /path/to/new.file (Linux Os linux.png )
  • mv /path/to/file /path/to/new_folder_name (Linux Os linux.png )
  • rename old_folder_name new_folder_name (Win Os windows.png )[19]

Delete files or directory[edit]

delete all files or directory

  • rm -rf /Name_of_directory to delete all files under the 'Name_of_directory (Linux Os linux.png )[20]
  • del Name_of_directory (Win Os windows.png )
    • After executed del Name_of_directory but the empty directory directory_name will be left.
    • Command delete is not available in Win XP
  • rsync
    • Good.gif quick for many small files (1) create a empty folder ex: mkdit /path/to/source (2) To empty the target folder, keyin rsync -avP --delete /path/to/source/ /path/to/target/ (Linux Os linux.png )
    • rsync --delete-before -a -H -v --progress --stats /path/to/empty/folder/ /path/to/target_folder_will_be_deleted/ (Linux Os linux.png )[21] un-verified
  • Using SFTP/FTP to connection to the server and delete selected files. Icon_exclaim.gif It may costs too much time if there are many files or sub folders!

Delete the files which their file name were matched with the naming rule when the number of files is too many.

  • find . -name 'naming_rule' -delete or find . -name 'naming_rule' -type f -delete [22][23][24]

Download file from remote server[edit]

  • FTP
  • wget (with progress bar): wget
  • SVN update: svn up http://remote.svn.server/path/ /local/path/ --username=your_account and key in your SVN password [25]
  • more on File transfer methods

File compression and decompression[edit]



  • gunzip -c big.file.gz > big.file(Linux Os linux.png ) keep the gz file[27]
  • gzip -d big.file.gz(Linux Os linux.png ) NOT keep the gz file


List directory or files / list directory contents[edit]

  • ls (Linux Os linux.png ) ls - list directory contents
    • List detailed information of files. e.g. ls -lh[28] [29]
    • List detailed information of files and sort by modification time. ls -lht
    • List top N files and sort by modification time. ls -lht | head -N e.g. ls -lht | head -10 First line is the total file size of specified folder.[30]
  • ll (Linux Os linux.png ) ll = ls -l
  • Print the entire path of files and level-unlimited sub-directories in the current directory. On Win Os windows.png using dir/s/b, and on Linux Os linux.png using find /path/to/files/ -print [31].
  • Good.gif create ls command in Win Os windows.png command prompt: echo dir %1 > %systemroot%\system32\ls.bat Thanks, hmjd![32]
  • List all files and directories including hidden ones in the current directory. On Win Os windows.png is dir /a, and on Mac icon_os_mac.png or Linux Os linux.png is ls -a[33][34].

List only filenames and one file per line

Verify if a file or a directory exists

  • On Linux Os linux.png : ls /path/to/file or ls -d /path/to/directory/ e.g. ls -d ~/ to list your home directory[37].
  • On Win Os windows.png :
    • dir C:\path\to\file or dir C:\path\to\directory\
    • IF EXIST [38][39]
SET a=C:\path\to\file
REM -- If the directory was separated the \ symbol & the path NOT contains space

SET a="C:\path\to\directory contains space\space"
REM -- If the directory was separated the \ symbol & the path contains space

SET a=C:/path/to/file
REM -- If the directory was separated the / symbol, the next command replace / with \ symbol.
SET a=%a:/=\%


SET a = C:\path\to\file
REM -- Correct command: SET a=C:\path\to\file
REM -- the returned result will not correct!

Print the current directory / where am i[edit]

  • Linux Os linux.png : pwd print name of working directory. More on pwd.
  • Win Os windows.png : cd or echo %cd% to print current directory [40]

Change directory to my home directory[edit]

  • cd ~/ or cd $HOME (Linux Os linux.png ) will switch to my home directory ex: /Users/ACCOUNT[41]
  • cd %UserProfile% (Win Os windows.png ) will switch to my home directory ex: C:\Users\ACCOUNT more on MS_Windows_Explorer[42]

How to list the ten most recent files in the same directory[edit]

How to list the ten most recent files in the same directory


show ip

ping Icon_exclaim.gif You may got no response if the server was disabled the ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) response.

  • ping domain_or_ip (Linux Os linux.png )
  • ping domain_or_ip -t (Win Os windows.png )

whois: search the information of domain (related: Domain Name Register)

TRACERT (trace route)

  • traceroute domain_or_ip (Linux Os linux.png ) & Mac icon_os_mac.png
  • tracert domain_or_ip -t (Win Os windows.png )

apache operation[edit]

check apache servie is running or not

  • service --status-all | grep -i httpd (Linux Os linux.png [46][47])
  • netstat -npl | grep httpd for Linux Os linux.png [48]
  • netstat -an | find /i "listening" (Win Os windows.png ) find the local open ports & find local address TCP is listening[49]
  • more on connection test...

Where is apache installed?[50]

  • cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local if the apache service is already launched

check which mpm (multi processing module) apache is running

  • httpd -l (Linux Os linux.png & Win Os windows.png ) ex: Linux Os linux.png /usr/local/httpd/bin/httpd -l or Win Os windows.png x:\apache\bin>httpd -l where x:\apache is the installation folder of apache [51]

mysql operation[edit]

MySQL commands: 1. Exporting data into MySql sql file & 2. Importing data from MySql sql file

install package[edit]

System operation[edit]

How to find the location of an executable[edit]

Find the location of an executable e.g. Using where command on unix-like OS

show current time[edit]

  • date (Linux Os linux.png ) output the system date: Thu Oct 25 15:05:10 CST 2012 [54][55]
  • TZ=Asia/Taipei date (Linux Os linux.png ) output the time from the Taipei/CST timezone [56]
  • date/t (Win Os windows.png ) (parameter: /t will not ask you to change the current date)

More on the page Show current time

specify the location where Linux or MS-DOS looks when using a command[edit]

reboot the system/server[edit]

  • reboot (Linux Os linux.png )[58]
  • shutdown -r (Win Os windows.png )[59]

Shutdown system at a specific date time.

OS version[edit]

  • lsb_release -a on Linux Os linux.png [61]
  • cat /etc/redhat-release on Linux Os linux.png CentOS[62]
  • ver on Win Os windows.png [63]

Show the process list[edit]

Show the process list & kill the high-resource-consumption process[64][65]

  1. Display the process list for Linux Os linux.png & Mac icon_os_mac.png
    • top "display Linux tasks" for Linux Os linux.png or
    • top -a or ps aux --sort -rss | more[66] "Sort by memory usage" for Linux Os linux.png
  2. keyin q to leave the process list

Kill the process[edit]

Find which process to be killed. And then keyin the process ID (PID):

  • kill <PID> or kill -<PID> PID. To kill the process with PID number: 101, enter kill 101. [67]
  • kill -9 <PID>. Force to kill the process with PID number: 101, enter kill -9 101. [68]

Kill the process by process name[69]

  • sudo kill $(ps aux | grep '<NAME>' | awk '{print $2}')

Find process running on port[edit]

Find process running on port

Search and extract string from command output[edit]

  • linux command | awk '/string/' (Linux Os linux.png )[70] ex:
    • keyin dpkg --get-selections | awk '/tar/' to search the installed package naming tar for Ubuntu.[71]
    • keyin dpkg --get-selections | awk '/zip|unzip/' to search the installed package naming zip or unzip for Ubuntu.
  • linux command | grep string (Linux Os linux.png ) ex: keyin yum list installed | grep tar to search the installed package naming tar for CentOS.[72]
  • Windows command | find "string" (Win Os windows.png ) ex: netstat -a | find "3306" (note: enclose string in double quotation marks)[73]

System load average[edit]

Using WQL query to obtain Load capacity of each processor[edit]

on Win Os windows.png :

  • namespace: ROOT\CIMV2
  • WQL query: SELECT LoadPercentage FROM Win32_Processor; No need to divide by CPU cores number for Win8
  • output example: 24 (UInt16, 16 bit Unsigned Integer) unit: %
  • CPU usage = LoadPercentage; unit: %

Using PHP function to obtain system load average[edit]

on freebsd, Linux Os linux.png & Mac icon_os_mac.png :

System CPU usage[edit]

Using mpstat command to obtain CPU usage[edit]

Example result of mpstat 2 2 | grep -E '^Average' on Linux Os linux.png

Average:     all    1.31    0.00    0.25    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   98.43

The output of the mpstat command includes an "Average" line, which provides detailed information about CPU usage, similar to the %Cpu(s) line in the top command but with a slightly different format. Here's an explanation of the columns in the "Average" line:

  • all: This represents the average values for all CPU cores.

The subsequent columns represent percentages of CPU usage:

  • The first column (1.31) is the CPU usage by user-space processes, indicating the percentage of time the CPU is occupied by user programs and processes.
  • The second column (0.00) is the CPU usage by system kernel processes, indicating the percentage of time the CPU is occupied by the operating system kernel.
  • The third column (0.25) is the CPU usage by processes with a "nice" priority, representing the percentage of CPU time used by processes adjusted with the nice command.
  • The fourth column (0.00) is the CPU's idle time, indicating the percentage of time the CPU is not executing any tasks.
  • The fifth column (0.00) is the CPU's time spent waiting for I/O operations to complete, indicating the percentage of time the CPU is waiting for disk or other I/O device responses.
  • Columns six through eleven (0.00 to 0.00) represent CPU usage in other states, such as the time spent handling hardware or software interrupts and time spent in virtualized environments with CPU steal time.
  • The last column (98.43) indicates the percentage of time the CPU is idle, representing the time when the CPU is not executing any tasks.

In the above example, the CPU usage is as follows:

  • User processes have used 1.31% of CPU time.
  • System kernel processes have used 0.00% of CPU time.
  • There are no "nice" priority processes using CPU time.
  • The CPU is idle for 98.43% of the time.
  • There is no time spent waiting for I/O operations to complete.
  • There is no time spent handling hardware or software interrupts.
  • There is no CPU steal time in a virtualized environment.

Using top command to obtain CPU usage[edit]

  1. Command: Using top command e.g. top on Linux Os linux.png or Mac icon_os_mac.png
  2. Command: Using top command e.g. top -l 2 | grep -E '^CPU' on Mac icon_os_mac.png
  3. Command: Using top command e.g. top -n 1 | grep '%Cpu(s)' on Linux Os linux.png

Example result of top -n 1 | grep '%Cpu(s)'

%Cpu(s):  1.5 us,  1.5 sy,  0.0 ni, 96.9 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st

The result provided is the information about CPU usage obtained through the `top` command. It shows the percentages of different CPU states, and each column is explained as follows:

  • `%Cpu(s)`: This is the header indicating that the following numbers are percentages related to CPU usage.
  • `us` (User): It represents the CPU usage by user-space processes, which includes the percentage of time the CPU is occupied by user programs and processes. In this case, it's 1.5%, indicating that 1.5% of CPU time is used for running user programs.
  • `sy` (System): It represents the CPU usage by system kernel processes, indicating the percentage of time the CPU is occupied by the operating system kernel. In this case, it's 1.5%, indicating that 1.5% of CPU time is used for handling operating system kernel tasks.
  • `ni` (Nice): It represents the CPU usage by processes with a "nice" priority, which includes the percentage of CPU time used by processes adjusted with the `nice` command. In this case, it's 0%, indicating that there are no "nice" processes running.
  • `id` (Idle): It represents the percentage of time the CPU is in an idle state, indicating the percentage of time the CPU is not executing any tasks. In this case, it's 96.9%, meaning that 96.9% of CPU time is idle.
  • `wa` (IO Wait): It represents the CPU usage while waiting for I/O operations to complete, indicating the percentage of time the CPU is waiting for disk or other I/O device responses. In this case, it's 0%, indicating that the CPU is not waiting for I/O to complete.
  • `hi` (Hardware IRQ): It represents the CPU usage caused by hardware interrupts, indicating the percentage of time spent handling hardware device interrupts. In this case, it's 0%, indicating that the CPU is not handling hardware interrupts.
  • `si` (Software IRQ): It represents the CPU usage caused by software interrupts, indicating the percentage of time spent handling software interrupts. In this case, it's 0%, indicating that the CPU is not handling software interrupts.
  • `st` (Steal Time): It represents the "steal time" in a virtualized environment, indicating the percentage of time a virtual machine's CPU is taken away when sharing host CPU resources with other virtual machines. In this case, it's 0%, meaning there is no virtualization steal time.

In summary, this output indicates the following CPU usage:

  • User programs are using 1.5% of CPU time.
  • System kernel tasks are using 1.5% of CPU time.
  • There are no "nice" processes running.
  • 96.9% of CPU time is idle.
  • There is no time spent waiting for I/O operations to complete.
  • There is no time spent handling hardware or software interrupts.
  • There is no virtualization steal time.

System memory usage[edit]

Obtaining Memory Usage through a WQL Query[edit]

on Win Os windows.png :

  • namespace: ROOT\CIMV2
  • WQL query: SELECT FreePhysicalMemory, TotalVisibleMemorySize FROM Win32_OperatingSystem[74]
  • output example: 21683460 (UInt64, 64 bit Unsigned Integer) unit: KB
  • memory usage = (FreePhysicalMemory * 100) / TotalVisibleMemorySize; unit: %

Obtaining Memory Usage through free command[edit]

on freebsd & Linux Os linux.png

  • command: free
  • output example:
                               total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
                    Mem:       8060416    7922496     137920        120     183608     526180
                    -/+ buffers/cache:    7212708     847708
                    Swap:      4194300    1219364    2974936
  • memory usage = 7922496 / 8060416; unit: %

Obtaining Memory Usage through top command[edit]

Mac icon_os_mac.png (known as Darwin):

  • command: top -l 1
  • output example: PhysMem: 8017M used (1486M wired), 172M unused.
  • memory usage: 172 / (8017+172); unit: %

Linux Os linux.png or Mac icon_os_mac.png

  • command: top (and press q key to quit the top window)
  • output example: The Python process with the Process ID (PID) 13086 is utilizing 22.19 GB of memory, as indicated by the value in the RES (Resident Set Size) field.
13086 account  20  0   132.1g  22.19g 13.0g S 42.9 17.6     30:33.61 python

  • PID: Process ID, 13086 in this case, which is the unique identifier for the process.
  • USER: The user that started the process, account here.
  • PR: Priority of the process in the kernel's scheduler. The value 20 indicates a regular priority.
  • NI: Nice value, which influences the priority (0 by default, meaning no adjustment to the scheduling).
  • VIRT: Virtual memory size, 132.1g for this process, which is the total amount of virtual memory used by the process.
  • RES: Resident memory size, 22.19g here, showing how much physical memory the process is currently using.
  • SHR: Shared memory size, 13.0g in this case, which is the memory this process is sharing with others.
  • S: Process status, S here which usually means 'sleeping'.
  • %CPU: CPU usage, 42.9 indicating the percentage of the CPU time the process is currently using.
  • %MEM: Memory usage, 17.6 showing the percentage of total physical memory used by the process.
  • TIME+: Total CPU time the process has been running, 30:33.61 indicates 30 minutes and 33.61 seconds.
  • COMMAND: The command that initiated the process, python here.

System disk space usage[edit]

hard disk usage

  • df command "disk space usage" for Linux Os linux.png df -h
  • du command "estimate file space usage" of specific folder for Linux Os linux.png
    • du -h /path/to/folder/ Detailed output of hard disk usage of specific folder and child folders. e.g. du -h /home | sort -rn > ~/disk.txt
    • du -hcs /path/to/folder/ Brief output of total hard disk usage.
    • du --max-depth=1 -B M /path/to/folder/ | sort -g[75]Output example:
0M      /sys
1M      /tmp
9M      /run
27M     /etc
36M     /root
165M    /boot
1647M   /usr
49287M  /var
51379M  /home
102547M /

How To Find Largest Top 10 Files and Directories On Linux / UNIX / BSD - nixCraft Icon_exclaim.gif It may costs time to return the result if there are too many file under the specified path. Output example of du -a -BM /path/to/folder/ | sort -n -r | head -n 10:

# du -a -BM /var/ | sort -n -r | head -n 10
11199M  /var/
10384M  /var/lib
6336M   /var/lib/mysql
3714M   /var/lib/strong-pm
3661M   /var/lib/strong-pm/svc
2042M   /var/lib/strong-pm/svc/1/work
2042M   /var/lib/strong-pm/svc/1
1619M   /var/lib/strong-pm/svc/2/work

Options cited from the content of Linux man page[76]

  • -a, --all "write counts for all files, not just directories"
  • -B, --block-size=SIZE "scale sizes by SIZE before printing them"

Scan the disk[edit]

Switch the user account[edit]

switch the current user

  • su on Linux Os linux.png switch the current user to super user [78]
  • su - <user name> on Linux Os linux.png switch the current user to another user

prints the current user

  • whoami on Linux Os linux.png & Win Os windows.png "prints the effective user ID"[79][80]

Clean the screen/console[edit]

  • Win Os windows.png : cls [81]
  • Linux Os linux.png : clear [82]
  • Mac icon_os_mac.png
    • clear
    • ⌘ command +K [83]

help for command[edit]

view the documentation for this command[edit]

  • command --help or man command (Linux Os linux.png )
  • command /? (Win Os windows.png )

find the path of an executable[edit]

  • which command for Linux Os linux.png ex: which wc will return the path '/usr/bin/wc'
  • which command for Mac icon_os_mac.png ex: which wc will return the path '/usr/bin/wc' (Input where command to find alternative commands with the same file name.)
  • where command for Win Os windows.png version 2003 or 8. ex: where nslookup will return the path 'C:\Windows\System32\nslookup.EXE'[84] Icon_exclaim.gif not all DOS command will return the information ex: where cd, where dir. Related page: How to setup my system path

emergency exit[edit]

  • ctrl+c or ctrl+break (Linux Os linux.png , Win Os windows.png & Mac icon_os_mac.png )
  • Pause/Break (Linux Os linux.png ) ex: I pressed the key to leave from the warning message "Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal".


  1. cut - get first X characters from the cat command? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
  2. linux - Show special characters in Unix while using 'less' Command - Stack Overflow un-verified
  3. (Solved) Window命令視窗中文亂碼 改編碼方法
  4. wc (Unix) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  5. linux - Use wc on all subdirectories to count the sum of lines - Stack Overflow
  6. Cygwin convert windows path to linux path
  7. Unix / Linux: cat .GZ Compressed Text File On Screen
  8. 鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 學習 bash shell
  9. Linux 快速尋找檔案 - locate - Tsung's Blog
  10. Find command: how to ignore case? - Unix and Linux; Find the case-sensitive file name Under the path / (root folder) ex: find / -name filename ref:Tips For Linux - How to find files in Linux using 'find'
  11. How to find a file in MS-DOS.
  12. /S 顯示指定目錄及所有子目錄中的檔案。 (引用自 dir /? 命令說明)
  13. Linux:檔案複製強制覆寫, cp force overwrite @ 符碼記憶
  14. DOS Command: COPY
  15. from manual:
    -a, --archive
                  same as -dR --preserve=all
    -d     same as --no-dereference --preserve=links
                  preserve the specified attributes (default: mode,ownership,timestamps), if  possible  addi-
                  tional attributes: context, links, xattr, all
    -R, -r, --recursive
                  copy directories recursively
  16. unix - How to copy with cp to include hidden files and hidden directories and their contents? - Super User
  17. /Y 不顯示覆寫現存目的檔案的確認提示。 (引用自 copy /? 命令說明)
  18. Linux Rename Files, Folders or Directories
  19. MS-DOS ren and rename command help
  20. [OPTION]
    • -r remove directories and their contents recursively;
    • -f ignore nonexistent files, never prompt
    (above content cited from linux documentation: rm --help)
  21. Linux下使用rsync最快速删除海量文件的方法_果冻的剥壳_新浪博客
  22. How to recursively remove .DS_Store files on Mac OS X | Tangential Musings
  23. XYZ的筆記本: Linux 使用 rm 刪除檔案,出現 /bin/rm: Argument list too long
  24. Linux find command
  25. using the www account su - www -c "svn up http://remote.svn.server/path/ /local/path/ --username=your_account --password=xxx"
  26. A Unix Utility You Should Know About: Pipe Viewer - good coders code, great reuse
  27. linux - How do you gunzip a file and keep the .gz file? - Super User
  28. 鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- Linux 的檔案權限與目錄配置
  29. [OPTION]
    • -l use a long listing format
    • -h, --human-readable; with -l, print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G) Quoted from linux man ls
  30. How to list top 10 files | Unix Linux Forums | UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
  31. linux - Making ls output like dir /b /s - Super User
  32. How to create ls in windows command prompt? - Stack Overflow
  33. How to see hidden files in MS-DOS and the Command Prompt
  34. Bash Shell: Display All Hidden Dot Files In a Directory
  35. How to Copy a List of Files in a Windows Folder Into an Excel List
  36. List One Filename Per Line in Linux | Baeldung on Linux
  37. Single linux command to return to home directory
  38. How to verify if a file exists in a Windows .BAT file? - Stack Overflow
  39. Windows shell string operations (changing backslash to slash) - Stack Overflow
  40. Windows equivalent to UNIX pwd - Stack Overflow
  41. linux - Where is the $HOME environment variable set? - Super User
  42. weka - Where is my home directory located?
  43. 鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- Linux 常用網路指令介紹
  44. bash: ifconfig: command not found 無法使用ifconfig指令? 先加上 su -l指令
  45. mac 要怎麼看自己的ip呢 - Mobile01
  46. Red Hat / CentOS: Check / List Running Services
  47. -i means ignore caseHow to use the grep command, by The Linux Information Project (LINFO)
  48. Linux / UNIX Find Out What Program / Service is Listening on a Specific TCP Port
  49. Netstat
  50. Enabling and disabling services during start up in GNU/Linux | All about Linux
  51. Check which mpm (multi processing module) apache is running | Binary Tides
  52. Linux / Unix pv Command: Monitor Progress of Data Sent Via a Pipe
  53. Pipe Viewer
  54. 鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- NTP 時間伺服器
  55. DATE (command) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  56. How can I have `date` output the time from a different timezone? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
  57. 鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 檔案與目錄管理 -- 關於執行檔路徑的變數: $PATH
  58. reboot - Linux Command - Unix Command
  59. Windows原來也有內建好用的關機軟體(Shutdown.exe) | ㊣軟體玩家
  60. How to shutdown Linux at a specific datetime from terminal? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
  61. The Will Will Web | 如何查詢 Linux 的種類與版本 ( Linux Standard Base )
  62. 查看操作系统版本的 N 种方式(Windows、CentOS、Ubuntu、Debian) - Rainbowhhy - 博客园
  63. Find windows OS version from command line
  64. How do I Find Out Linux CPU Utilization? - nixCraft
  65. Show All Running Processes in Linux
  66. 鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第十六章、程序管理與 SELinux 初探
  67. Kill Process in Linux or Terminate a Process in UNIX / Linux Systems, kill(1): terminate process - Linux man page
  68. 鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第十六章、程序管理與 SELinux 初探
  69. Find and kill a process in one line using bash and regex - Stack Overflow
  70. shell script - How to search and extract string from command output? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
  71. logical operators in grep
  72. Unix/Linux grep command examples | grep command in Unix and Linux | grep examples |
  73. Microsoft Windows XP - Find
  74. Collect Memory Data from WMI (Win32)
  75. 【系統】使用 du 來看磁碟的使用空間 @ My Life :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌
  76. du man page
  77. Cloud Provider and Dedicated Server Hosting in Dallas, TX
  78. Linux su command help and examples
  79. Linux whoami command help and examples
  80. Whoami
  81. Cls
  82. Clear! (clear your terminal screen) |
  83. macos - How can I clear previous output in Terminal in Mac OS X? - Stack Overflow
  84. What is Windows' equivalent of the "which" command in Unix? Is there an equivalent PowerShell command? - Super User

further reading[edit]

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